
Designing and implementing a teams-based working model in frontline ambulance road operations


In 2022, an ambulance service commissioned TN to help identify and implement solutions to improve challenges impacting staff wellbeing and satisfaction, including:

  • Staff didn’t feel part of a team: When staff were asked at engagement workshops what constituted a bad day, over 100 people listed ‘poor teamwork’ as a key factor

  • Staff and manager working patterns didn’t align: Many staff reported that they almost never saw their line manager, or if they did see their manager, it meant that they were in trouble

  • Poor work-life balance: High turnover rates suggested that road operations staff didn’t have a sustainable work-life balance under the existing ways of working

Following preliminary scoping work, the ambulance service, supported by TN, identified teams-based working (TBW) as a potential solution


TN facilitated a series of workshops with Trust leadership and union representatives to scope a high-level design for ‘teams-based working’ (TBW) including:

  • Aligning working patterns within teams of staff and managers
  • Introducing protected time for team development to foster a collaborative work environment
  • Improving efficiency of staff management by devolving responsibility to local Group Stations

Following these workshops, TN worked on the ground with Group Station managers and staff to co-design and implement tailored solutions, accounting for local nuance and giving local teams ownership over the change. This included:

  • Supporting local engagement with staff and union representatives
  • Designing new teams-based rotas for each station, aligning the working patterns of staff and managers within a team, and creating ‘overlay’ rotas to account for diverse staff needs (e.g. for staff who can not work night shifts)
  • Designing SOPs for newly created huddles and team days

TN started by supporting a small group of early adopter Group Stations to design and implement TBW in their stations, before expanding support to all Group Stations across the Trust.


12-month rolling sickness rate

Compared to the same period last year, sickness is ~3pp lower after implementing TBW

12-month rolling turnover rate

Compared to the same period last year, staff turnover is ~2pp lower after implementing TBW

Team ethos
agree or strongly agree that they feel part of a team

9-weeks after implementing TBW, almost a third more staff feel part of a team compared to pre-TBW

Work-life balance
agree or strongly agree that they have good work-life balance

Compared to pre-TBW, almost a third more staff feel that they have a good work-life balance

Other impacts of TBW also included:

  • All 3500+ frontline staff now work in teams whose shift patterns align with their named manager, so now all staff know and see their manager on a regular basis, and teams train and work together, building morale and capability
  • NHS Staff Survey results in 2024 showed improvement in every People Promise theme amongst Road Operation staff (Figure 1)
  • Increased number of Team Days and education during huddles means staff are more confident in providing the best possible care to patients
  • Staff satisfaction increased compared to pre-TBW across all six measures of staff satisfaction (Figure 2)
  • Responsibility and ownership for performance sits at the local level with teams

Figure 1: NHS Staff Survey results

Figure 2: Local staff survey results

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